So i've been looking into and watching a range of different ways of modelling mostly trying to get insperation for modelling, what i've found is that theres really two different kind of ways that people model, with sculpting and blocking.
blocking is when they use the shapes from blender model to block out the shape of the model, getting a base and then moving onto the sculpting, this is typically how i model minus the scultping cause i don't like it. this videos shows the modeller using cylinders, and spheres for the blocking of the body, arms, legs, etc and then joining them to the shape and then going back and sculpting.
where as with my research i found thats theres alot of modellers that build up from one sphere to a persons body, using the snake tool to drag out limbs and etc, this is more similar to real clay modelling, from what i can remember, this method is way more complex and harder to do, but has more professional and well designed results.
while the second kind of sculpting is impressive with my skill set and what im capable of i believe that i'll have better luck with blocking and building up my skills.

so! before jumping head first into character design and anatomy i wanted to pratice doing blocking with a more cartoony design, so i could a) figure out what aspects i can do and b) figure out what aspects i need to work on, so while watching and praticing from tutorials i could make more note of what needs to be worked on. I decided on the ghost from the band mystery skulls because the design is very cool and had crazy proportions which works in my favour. and it also kept showing up in my youtube recommened :)
[heres some progress photos, i may of may not forgot to properly take screenshots throughou the progress so these are just the photos off messenger i took]
this being the final result

for the pratice run and getting use to sculpting i feel that this worked out well, the blocking out was simple enough, though in future i should remember to check all perceptives like the sides, as the back wasn't big enough so it looks too flat. The hands i was very proud of however this may come down to me winging it and being impressed it went well, i also didnt do the hair, as i wasn't 100% on how i would tackle it, especially in sculpting. After this run i feel that its important that i keep praticing with sculpting, despite how much it hurts. I was planning on texture painting however i did a poor job of optimising the faces so it lagged out my pc when i went to paint, sooo either i get better at decreasing the number of faces or i buy a better pc.
now to pratice creating a persons anatomy. I'll be using a tutorial that uses blocking and then leads more into sculpting to create the basic shape and then experiment with designs later.
annnnddd i got into a groove and forgot to save multiple versions to show process, so i only have the final body design to show, which is anti climaxic for this post.

i kind of followed the video but certain aspects of the video were just the modeler being picky or maintaining an aesthetic / body type so i took some liberties with my model, such as not moving the biceps down and more boxy, curving it along the stomach, and increasing the groin area alot :) i also found the ways he was doing the hands and feet to be way more tedious than it needed to be so i just did them myself, they may not be as nice as his hands but they took like 1/4 the time.