feeling of awe/wonder want the player to explore and adventure an in-depth environment that allows the player to learn about the world through their exploration.
current idea: underground society (not related to moles), something happened to world led to people going underground. could take place in London underground, communities in train cars, like my dad. [world exploration, adventure, questing, dystopian, underground society]
phil - underground society does have a awe factor i would like to know how built up and what style its made in. maybe pre made natural cave shafts or man made... possibly a bit of both :) both have interesting ways they could be made and developed.
rice - Awe and wonder is normally viewed in giant landscapes, how about trying smaller places that could be interesting up close. - Lens of Inherent Interest
molly - This would link nicely with the lens of beauty and inherent interest as the player would have to pay attention to their surroundings in order to learn/progress
flora - Lens of beauty: I think to create the feeling of awe the world will have aspects of beauty, not necessarily aesthetic beauty but also beauty in the fantasy and world building of the underground society
lio - I like the idea of this being through the lens of projection- being able to explore and vicariously through the people you play as. I feel like this has a lot of potential and being able to have that feeling of awe is something special and I'm looking forward to seeing how you develop this!
pat - I really like the idea and the metaphor of an underground society being a dystopian. It reminds me of the mind palace of the Persona game. Or the idea of thoughts and intension taking physical form. I feel however, the idea of awe /wonder somewhat clash with the idea of a dystopian setting- unless you subvert that expectation or create a situation where awe/wonder can be found in such a place. Like finding hope amongst all the bad things.
game loops
activitity: finding resources / new areas
risk: dangers
→ environtal: dangers of falling debre
→ monsters: the cause of the ruined world
→ people: other selfish survivors.
rewards: character happiness / story & narrative progression
opportunity: opens up new activities / character narratives
activitity: puzzle / obstacle
risk: failure / unable to solve
rewards: progression through level
opportunity: find more resources / story narrative

its gray cause i have weaks eyes
the story board starts showing off the scenary, showing a destroyed and ruined underground station, then cuts to a dark screen with a flashlight turning on showing the characters feet, then panning up to show their face with the light now pointed forward. then cuts to a close up of a pinpad with the flashlight being shone on it, the characters arm coming into frame and swiping a card, not convey in storyboard but the person in the ID card should be different than them, cut to a establishing shot of a massive tree growing through the ground of the train station, this should be the awe aspect of the game.