Bioshock Pitch
What are the essential experiences of these games?
to create a engaging and thrilling story using a firstperson shooter that sets its apart from other first person games.
What are some features you think were missing?
lack of visual images of characters and settings makes it harder to visualise what the designers intended and what the game is meant to look like; this means that the game can be interpreted in many different ways which could lead to misunderstandings.
Which aspects of the design document do you think were done well?
went into depth about the mechanics and balancing the first person shooter aspect of the game which shows that the game will be fair and the structure of the game has been thought out and researched.
Do you think the design intentions were realistic?
i think aspects of the intentions were realistic, like for example the planning out for the game elements and the narrative, however the overexaggeration at parts made what they were trying to do seem more idealistic than they probably would of liked.
Do you think there is enough information presented here?
i believe that other than the lack of concept art within the document, it has a good amount of information about the narrative, game machanics and plans for the game, and this could be used to create the game without too much trouble, what may be a problem is where the document is vague and is exaggerating what its means, e.i "scare the hell out of people"
Damnation Pitch
What are the essential experiences of these games?
create an unique experience which experiments with different camera angles and aspects of first person shooters.
What are some features you think were missing?
aspects of the designs are inconsistent and the designs don't match up visually so its hard to imagine what the setting is meant to look like.
Which aspects of the design document do you think were done well?
theres a huge amount of detail about the setting and story, talking about the individual towns and aspects of the game
Do you think the design intentions were realistic?
the scale of which the game was implying was very very big which can be seen as unrealistic in of itself as the scale of what needs to be done is massive, the explanation of the world building worked, but the did a poor job of doing over mechanics more clearly and how the game would ultimately work.
Do you think there is enough information presented here?
despite my critisim of the document i do believe there is enough content to help establish a game.