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programming always trips me up

I knew from the beginning that the programming would be annoying but I forgot how much it can trip you up when you get stuck on a stupid little thing.


links to video tutorials i've used as reference to program, elements of both can be found in code

the square man was once happy and a circle but part of my bug fixing was testing whether it was problem with sprite collison so he became a sqauare and then why that didnt work, he became angry

spreite editor.PNG
tape but again.png
tape but again.png
tape but again.png
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if (mvtlock <= 0) // stop the player from jumping while moving
{ hsp = move * walksp;
if (key_jump)
{ if (onGround = 1)
{vsp = -12;}
if (onWall != 0)
{ vsp = -12
         hsp = onWall * walksp;
mvtlock = 10; }}}

There was a problem where when the character was colliding with the wall and the ground it would just float; this was because the jump code checked for the gravity and the wall slide check for wall collision which both affected gravity.

In order to combat this, I made lio sit in discord with me for 2 hours while I stared at my code. Until I realised there wasn't even a bug I had forgotten to delete a single line of test code, which was meant to be in the jump section which meant the character was jumping twice.

iphone case_edited.png
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