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Writer: marvin chattingmarvin chatting

I don't want the player character to be able to fight.

No guns, swords, magic, anything to fend off the monsters; the character having to hide and run away from the monsters and any potentially dangerous areas.


Core Mechanic = Hiding

I want this to reflect the hiding mechanics from Lone Survivor with elements from Skyrim, I don't want the hiding to be too similar to the hiding mechanics from horror games such as Dying Light and Outlast, where the player is scared and theres a thrilling element to it, I'd rather a more strategic approach. This is why I feel Lone Survivor and Skyrim are the best examples of games that use the hiding mechanic as I would like within my game; in Lone Surivor hiding is the only way to progress, and choosing to use the sneaking mechanic in skyrim to get an advantage over the enemies is also something that I feel would add to this experience as well as the GUI for hiding with the eye opening and closing to signify how hidden the player is.

The biggest obstacle for this would be programming the enemy AI as well as the detection and hiding mechanic. The enemy would need a scope where they check to detect the player with a set route they would patrol and when they detect the player and then pathfinding to get to the player and then attacks to hurt the player which would mean a collision and an a health system as well as a attack animation, then the player hiding mechanic and how this would affect the cool down to when the monster stops hunting, for instance if the monster can no longer see the player in the scope, theres a cool down, before the monster returns to its petrol.

However only having a hiding mechanic would definitely get boring and would limit what what player can do and lacks an goals and progression.


Core Mechanic = Gathering / Crafting

I wanted the purpose of the characters exploration to be gathering resources for the communities, this give gives the player a reason to explore outside of their comfort zone and gives them a more concrete goal. This also allows me to introduce more mechanics such as a crafting mechanic, where the player can use the resources they have collected to craft usable items which can help further the gameplay.

I want three types of resources.


These would be objects that could be considered trash by theselves, but combined could make items the player can use to their advantage, this would be items that have one use, such as traps for the monster. For example the player would be able to craft a trap using a certain amount of common items and then use the trap to slow down a monster if them are being chased, since the trap will be used when trapping the monster its one use, which is a fair trade off if the items will be common. This gives more importance to the exploration to finding resources but also allows for greater expanse of stragetic gameplay and variety in what the player can do.

- Wire Trap - wires, bobby pins, screws, metal

- Spike Trap - spikes, bobby pins, screws, metal

- Sight Bomb (A ball of objects that will explode and distract the monsters)


These would most likely be pregenerated items that the player can rarely encounter but the trade off being that these items have multiple uses and allow the player to access to areas or allow for ease of access around the underground, such as for instance tools such as a crowbar which would allow the player to access boarded up areas or open up new pathways. However the idea would be later into the game the type of items the player can make would become more complex and have greater use but harder to gather items, this could be a flame thrower to get through plantantion or maybe a grappling hook. Moreover I would like a variety of items that can improve the story or narrative such as a radio, where the player can listen to music but sometimes it picks up signals from communities which could lead to quests or more resources, the trade off being that the radio requires batteries and rare materials.

- Radio - batteries, attena

- Crowbar

- Grappling Hook

- Keycard (found)

- Skateboard(?)


These would be items for the communities, food, water, clothing and beding. These items are not vital for the player character but are important for building up relationships with the other communities, giving resources over to communities allows for more interactions and trades as well as a safe place for the player to be, this would be where the player can sleep and eat, as well as craft items and trade with community memebers. The more the player does for the community the more they are respected and trusted which opens up for more quests and opportunities.

Skill Tree

Beginners Luck

You figure out the basics to crafting and now have access to greater range of craftables.

Getting the hang of things

You finally wrap your head around the more advanced aspects of crafting and now have acess to more complex craftables.


Craftables cost less to craft.

Durable and Strong

Craftables are no longer one use and can be recovered and used multiple times.

Stone Age

Craft tools that help create more paths.

Bronze Age

Craft tools that help create more paths.

Golden Age

Craft advance tools that help shorten the distance between communities.

I am you

This is the starter perk, it is unlocked when the player starts the game.

I should hurry up

You can now move faster.

I am speed

You are now faster than most monsters.

Hide and Seek

You are harder to detect from monsters.

Wait, Where they go?

You are even harder to detect from monsters.

Invisable man

You are nearly impossible to detect.

Where did it?

You can choose specific items to look for while exploring, they will be highlighted with green

Good cardio

Increased health.

Takes more than that

Resistance to status affects.


Find more resoruces for crafting.

Resident Cool Dude

Increased chance of passing skill checks during dialogue.

Everybody Loves me

Greatly increase chance of passing skill checks during dialogue.

Pocket Change

Increased amount of rewarded money from NPCs.

Rolling in Dough

Greatly increase amount of rewarded money from NPCs.

Handy old bobbly pin

You are now able to open advanced locks.

I'm in

You are now able to open Apprentice level locks.

You think you can keep me out?

You are now able to open apprentice level locks.

Who dropped this?

You are now able to pickpocket community members.

Not like they'll miss it

You are now able to pickpocket guards.

Who dropped this?

You are now able to pickpocket shopkeepers.

Sub Mechanic = Speaking

While I like the idea of a silent protaganist, I still want the player to interact woth the NPCs so the player will be able to pick from dialogue options from a set prompted by the NPCs. These dialgoue can allow the player to learn more about the world but also allows for more immersion for player who are looking for more roleplay aspects of the game, wanting to play as a jerk. There should be a more mechanic aspect to the speaking though so having charisma checks for dialogue which allows for different outcome also helps to vary gameplay and enrich the player experience. For instance if the player has put lots of points into crafting, they will be able to convince community memebers that create traps to teach them new things or give them quests about that subject. This means that the game has more replay ability but also create a better sense of self for the player, that their actions and choices they made affected the outcome and have created their own character within the universe.

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