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  • Writer's picturemarvin chatting

so while i know the basics and some advance aspects of modelling such as rigging, lighting and texturing, i struggle alot with scultping. what sets sculpting apart from other aspects from 3D modelling is small details and understanding form, so in order to better understand it; my first step is to learn what each brush does and how I can use this to create small details and use it to create form.


Ctrl + 5 - hotkey for subdivison modifier

Ctrl + Any Brush - to dig into object (eqvivelent of subtract)

Shift + Any Brush + LM - smooth

F - increase brush size

Shift + F - increase brush strength

Alt + M - removes mask

Alt + Midlle Mouse - centre viewport


Dynamic typology - Adds new typology when you scuplt, stops the mesh from stretching

will need to be re-added after going into edit mode [recommend: constant, 12px]


similar to mirror tool but matches the other side of the mesh to the other side


craw: Draw onto the mesh, use for details

clay: Very similar to draw

clay Stripts: add stripts of clay, similar to real modelling

layer: doesn't remove the detail while pulling out shape

inflate: push out like a ball, very circular

blob: similar to inflate but just adds a straight up blob

crease: similar to line art, pulls the topology in, pinches in [better with relative dyanmo]

smooth: very simple smooths out :)

flatten: flattens but very smooth

fill: similar to layer, fills in gaps keeps smooth without more edges

scrape: very similar to flatten but more like a knife

pinch: + crease pulls something into its self, makes a hard edge

grab: allows to pull, important in beginning, doesnt add typology

snake: basically grab but adds typology, dangerous if overused with low res

thumb: kneeding, like pushing

nudge: overs stuff over, keeps detail

rotate: rotate, uncontrollable

MASK: please learn to use the mask marvin scott would be so disappointed in you

invert mask menu at top so mask rest of model so you can focus on one bit

box hide: hides stuff

simplify: changes resolution, optimization

heres bob my test example of experimentation with brushes

i tried to texture paint him but hes too powerful and crashes my pc

[its cause i didnt optimize the faces]

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